Friday, February 10, 2012


Welcome to Justin's Wheelchair Chronicles. This blog is dedicated to my documentary The Wheelchair Chronicles which I'm currently working on. This blog is will focus on not only my film but the filming process and my journey creating this film.

I'm going to focus and talk about certain issues that I deal with as a person with disabilities such as being a man in a wheelchair, being black and in a wheelchair, etc.

This film project is a brand new experience for me because I'm not use to opening myself up and expressing my feelings to people and now I'm preparing to open myself up to the world with this film.

I plan on posting information about the film on Wednesday's and Friday's, I don't know what time I'll be posting information but I will let you know soon. I'll be also working on improving the blog, I'm just in the beginning stages of this blog so I'll be making changes from time to time.

I encourage you all to check out my blog and comment because I want to share this blog with everyone but most importantly the people who have helped me over the years, the people who are helping me on this film and to those special people who are in my life.

My Journey Begins Today!!!