Monday, July 2, 2012
Documentary: Who Killed Vincent Chin?
This week I continue my documentary series with one of my favorite documentary films, Who Killed Vincent Chin? 30 years ago (June 23rd, 1982), Vincent Chin was killed in Highland Park, Michigan close to Detroit by two men, Ronald Ebens and his stepson, Michael Nitz outside of a McDonalds restaurant.
Vincent Chin was killed during a rough time in Detroit, especially in the auto industry when a lot of manufacturing jobs were being lost to Japan and their rising auto industry. In the Detroit area there was hatred towards Japan and Japanese people and unfortunately Vincent Chin was a victim of that hatred and he lost his life.
The sad thing is that Vincent Chin was not Japanese but Chinese and got into an argument with Ebens (a superintendent at Chrysler during that time) at a strip club where Chin was having his bachelor party. Ebens was quoted as saying "It's because of you little motherfuckers that we're out of work," talking about the jobs that were being lost.
Chin left the strip club and Ebens and his stepson searched for Chin and found him at McDonald's where the duo beat Chin with a baseball bat multiple times leaving him in a coma before he ultimately died. Ebens and Nitz never really served time for the murder, Ebens was originally convicted to 25 years in prison but was overturned.
I watched this film almost two years ago in my Asian representation class at DePaul and this film has been one of my favorites and I was so intrigued by the way the story was told from different perspectives. From looking at the auto industry in Detroit, the incident that took place, and even the perspective of Chin's family and friends, Ebens family and friends, and how the incident effected the Asian community.
I encourage you all to find this documentary (it's really hard to find) and check it out because it's a very good documentary. In the meantime, you can check out another documentary about Vincent Chin called Vincent Who? This one was made in 2009 and directed by Chris Chin (no relation) and looks back the 1982 incident and he even interviews about 80 Asian Americans to see if they ever heard of Vincent Chin.
Friday, June 29, 2012
A Frustrating Week
What a frustrating week!! First off, I have to apologize for not posting anything on Monday. I had plan to talk about this documentary called "I Got Next" but unfortunately my blog had a hiccup so I had to fix it to make sure it was ok for everyone to visit again. So I'm sorry once again for not posting on my blog.
Anyway, I had shot some more footage for the film but it didn't really work out the way I planned and I couldn't use the footage at all so the three days that I took time to work on the film were a total waste. I've also been dealing with some personal issues that's really been effecting me and I don't know how to handle it at this moment
The good thing is that this week is over and I'm gonna relax, take a little bit of time to myself and get ready to start fresh next week!
Anyway, I had shot some more footage for the film but it didn't really work out the way I planned and I couldn't use the footage at all so the three days that I took time to work on the film were a total waste. I've also been dealing with some personal issues that's really been effecting me and I don't know how to handle it at this moment
The good thing is that this week is over and I'm gonna relax, take a little bit of time to myself and get ready to start fresh next week!
Chicago, IL USA
Friday, June 22, 2012
Deadly Embrace
This week I mentioned on Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr that I was gonna be working on another film project called Deadly Embrace. This is a short film noir film directed by Alaric Rocha.The other day I accepted a position on the film as 2nd Assistant Director and I can't put into words how excited I am to be working on this film.
The main reason I'm excited is that this will give me some actual experience in the film industry and the lessons that I learn from taking part in this film will go a long way when it comes to making my documentary. I've been working on my film for 8 months and I'm still a novice when it comes to directing but I'm glad to have people like my special advisor for my film who has a lot more experience than I have and also getting a chance to work on another film and getting a chance to watch and learn from another director.
Check out the website for Deadly Embrace:
The main reason I'm excited is that this will give me some actual experience in the film industry and the lessons that I learn from taking part in this film will go a long way when it comes to making my documentary. I've been working on my film for 8 months and I'm still a novice when it comes to directing but I'm glad to have people like my special advisor for my film who has a lot more experience than I have and also getting a chance to work on another film and getting a chance to watch and learn from another director.
Check out the website for Deadly Embrace:
Chicago, IL USA
Monday, June 18, 2012
Documentary: The Interrupters
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Photo: Frontline |
Directed by Steve James and produced by Alex Kotlowitz, The Interrupters is a documentary talking about the violent landscape that's been taking place in Chicago. I watched this documentary a few weeks ago and instantly fell in love with it. The style that's presented in The Interrupters is sort of how I want to present my film. I want viewers to go in-depth into my life and my experience in a wheelchair. A lot of people don't understand the work that it takes for me to get in my wheelchair and to get around on a daily basis. Here's a quick clip and it you haven't seen this documentary, I encourage you to check it out.
Frontline: The Interrupters
Watch The Interrupters (Graphic Language) on PBS. See more from FRONTLINE.
Chicago, IL USA
Friday, June 15, 2012
Important Update!
Hey everyone, hope you all had a great week! I've got a couple of announcements to make and a major update regarding the blog. Let me start first with the update. I changed the theme for my blog and the reason I changed it because I wasn't really comfortable with the previous theme and in the end, I ultimately decided to it.
Now on to the announcements. For the blog I plan to post again twice a week Monday & Friday. The reason I'm doing this is that I have more time in the summer now to posts more material on the blog. Even though I'm taking a couple of classes at DePaul during the summer, I do have more time to not only work on the film but also the blog as well.
My plan is for Monday to do a blog post on certain documentaries that I like and I'll share my opinions on why I like it and how it effects my film. On Friday, I'll post film updates and I continue to do my What A Film Should Be Like series.
Also for those who read my blog can you please leave a comment either on the blog at the end of my blog posts or on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, etc. because I really want some feedback on what you all like or dislike about my posts. That way I can work on improving the blog and giving my readers good quality content.
Thank you all for continuing to support my blog and the film.
Also for those who read my blog can you please leave a comment either on the blog at the end of my blog posts or on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, etc. because I really want some feedback on what you all like or dislike about my posts. That way I can work on improving the blog and giving my readers good quality content.
Thank you all for continuing to support my blog and the film.
Chicago, IL 60604
Friday, June 8, 2012
What A Film Should Be Like: John Huston
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Photo Courtesy: 5 Recipes for Life |
The directing of a picture involves coming out of your individual loneliness. When I read the first line of this quote it really hit me because this is exactly what I'm dealing with in regards to my film. For many years I've been a loner , staying to myself and not opening up to my friends and family."The directing of a picture involves coming out of your individual loneliness and taking a controlling part in putting together a small world. A picture is made. You put a frame around it and move on. And one day you die. That is all there is to it."
This film that I'm creating has helped me get out of my loneliness. I'm opening myself up to not just my friends and family but to the entire world. It's scary to me that I'm actually doing this because I've never done this before and I fear that if people got to know the real me through this film they might not like what they see.
But if this is what I want to do with my film then I can't worry about how people will perceive me. I want people to come into my world and see what I have to go through on a daily basis. I want people to see that thanks to this film I have become a better person and that I'm not a loner. That will give me satisfaction.
Friday, June 1, 2012
What A Film Should Be Like: Ron Howard
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Photo Courtesy: Very Aware |
This week I continue my What A Film Should Be Like series with an excellent quote from legendary director Ron Howard:
"One of the great things about being a director as a life choice is that it can never be mastered. Every story is its own kind of expedition, with its own set of challenges."
To be honest with you all I absolutely love this quote because this is a very important lesson that I've learned in my short time as a director. In regards to my film I felt that I had to be perfect in making this documentary, that in order for it to be a success it had to be perfect and I had to master every aspect of filming but that's not the case.
Making this film has been a big challenge for me so far but I accept the challenge and the journey that goes with creating this documentary. For a long time I was afraid of facing this challenge of making this film because I feared that I would fail but today I'm in a different state of mind and I'm up for this challenge and I will be a success and this film will be a stepping stone to bigger and better things in my life.
Friday, May 25, 2012
Stepping In Front Of The Camera
During that time I'll be working with my special adviser for my film Camille DeBose (who's a documentary filmmaker herself) and recently her documentary Good Hair has been selected to be shown at the San Francisco Black Film Festival . Let me tell you a little bit about Camille, she is my former professor at DePaul and I took many of her sociology and media courses and she has taught me a lot during my experience at DePaul. She has been a strong supporter of my film and as a matter of fact when I first told her about this film and the idea that I had about it she wanted me to do 6-7 films based on different issues involving people in wheelchairs. Look in all honesty I just wanted to do one film but as time went by I understood what she wanted me to do and I thank her for that.
We're putting together an interview session where me and her will come up with some questions and I'll answer them in front of the camera. I'm a little nervous about this because this will dive into my personal life but that's what I want and that is the central premise of my film for the world to get to know me and to get to know about my life in a wheelchair. So instead of being nervous I should actually be excited because I want people to know that I'm not just a man in a wheelchair, I'm a man! It probably sounds cheesy but that's how I truly feel.
Please support my friend Camille who's currently working on her new documentary and fundraising on Kickstarter:
Hidden Brilliance
Also like her page on Facebook:
Friday, May 11, 2012
What A Film Should Be Like: David Fincher
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Photo: The King Bulletin |
“Directing ain’t about drawing a neat little picture and showing it to the cameraman. I didn’t want to go to film school. I didn’t know what the point was. The fact is, you don’t know what directing is until the sun is setting and you’ve got to get five shots and you’re only going to get two.” - David Fincher
This is an interesting quote for me due to the fact that I just started as a film director and I haven't had an experience that's similar to David Fincher but I believe to as I continue through my journey as a film director I know that the same thing will happen to me.
I do however can relate to the first sentence of his quote about directing ain't about drawing a neat little picture and showing it to the cameraman. During my short amount of time as a filmmaker and working on my film, I was trying to make this film as perfect as I can, to give my audience a perfect story of my life in a wheelchair but I've learned that being perfect or drawing a neat little picture is not what I'm going for and that I'm not gonna be completely perfect with this film and now that I know that I'm now more comfortable with making this film and the style that I'm gonna be working with.
I'm going to make mistakes with this film (I know that) but I'm going to enjoy making this film and if it's not perfect then so be it because I'll be very happy with the end result of my first film.
Friday, May 4, 2012
What A Film Should Be Like: Sydney Pollack
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Photo: Hollywoodland |
This week I found a great quote from director Sydney Pollack about making a film. It's short but it's to the point.
"When you make a film you usually make a film about an idea"This is exactly what happen with my film. To be honest this film came from an original idea I had a few years ago. I introduced my original idea to a friend of mine in one of my classes. The focus of my idea was to document and chronicles people's lives in wheelchairs living in Chicago, focusing on issues that affect them.
Now this idea was on a piece of paper and was under a stack of papers for a couple of years until one day while cleaning up in my room and I found it and started looking at it again and then while I was looking at it more ideas started going through my head.
It then hit me that instead of focusing on other people in wheelchairs, I should focus on my life and how I've my life has been affected by my wheelchair. Thanks to my original idea I'm now on a path to sharing my experience in a wheelchair with the world and I'm couldn't be more happier with my decision.
Friday, April 27, 2012
What A Film Should Be Like: According to Francis Ford Coppola
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Photo: |
Today I decided that I'm gonna create a series of post dedicated to What a film should be like. I love what I did in my last post about Stanley Kubrick so much that I wanna continue it and turn it into a series, choosing quotes from famous directors and explaining how that quote relates to what I'm doing for my film. This week I found a great quote from director Francis Ford Coppola:
" You have to really be courageous about your instincts and your ideas. Otherwise you'll just knuckle under, and things that might have been memorable will be lost."
One of the things I'm learning about in creating my film is trusting my own instincts and ideas. While I've gotten advice from a lot of people who have more experience in making documentary films than I have, I feel that since this is my first film I have to have more faith in my instincts and in my ideas. That's the problem I've had not just as a filmmaker but as a person.
I sometimes don't trust my instincts the way I should and most times I feel that most of my ideas are garbage but the work that I've done during my years at DePaul and coming up with the idea to create a film based on my experience of being in a wheelchair, I should trust my decisions making a lot more. There have been some instances during the shooting of my film where I've missed out on footage that I thought would be memorable for film because I didn't think it would work for my film and that's one of my early regrets.
For this film I really want to give people a memorable viewing experience and trust myself and I have to be more courageous about my instincts.
Friday, April 20, 2012
What A Film Should Be Like: According to Stanley Kubrick
Courtesy: Edgemar Center for the Arts
Well a few days ago I was on tumblr and I ran across this interesting quote from director Stanley Kubrick explaining what a film should be like:
"A film is - or should be - more like music than fiction. It should be a progression of moods and feelings. The theme, what's behind the emotion, the meaning, all that comes later."
In all honesty I didn't really pay attention to the quote but then I started thinking about it and realized that he's absolutely right about film being more like music than fiction.
While working on my film I was spending too much time thinking about what the theme was gonna be, how I was gonna present myself in the film and while that's important those things will only come as I continue working on the film all of those pieces the theme, what's behind the emotion, and the meaning will all come together once the film is done.
As a director this is an important lesson that I've learned and I will never forget this lesson
Friday, April 13, 2012
Heartache & Pain
As I continue to work on my film I've been dealing with a dilemma that's very difficult to talk about to anyone. I know for this film I'm opening myself up to the entire world but there are some things that I'm not ready for the world to know because in all honesty I don't know how to deal with these issues myself so how can I open myself up to other people when I don't know how to handle these personal issues in my life.
I mean I'm lonely as hell not just because I'm working on the film by myself at this particular time but I'm lonely because I don't have anyone I can talk to about these personal issues. I know I have people in my life who support me and this film but I don't feel like I have anyone who I could talk to and understand what I'm going through right now. There is so much heartache and pain that I'm going through right now it just hard to keep a smile on my face and pretend like nothing's wrong.
I've devoted myself to this film and my future projects but it's difficult for me right now to deal with my personal issues and I really don't want it affect my film.
I mean I'm lonely as hell not just because I'm working on the film by myself at this particular time but I'm lonely because I don't have anyone I can talk to about these personal issues. I know I have people in my life who support me and this film but I don't feel like I have anyone who I could talk to and understand what I'm going through right now. There is so much heartache and pain that I'm going through right now it just hard to keep a smile on my face and pretend like nothing's wrong.
I've devoted myself to this film and my future projects but it's difficult for me right now to deal with my personal issues and I really don't want it affect my film.
Chicago, IL USA
Monday, April 9, 2012
My Apologies
Hey everyone sorry for not posting last Friday. I had to recover from an accident I had and I couldn't post anything on my blog. I just wanted to let you all know that sometime soon I'll be putting together a kickstarter page to start funding the film. I will go more in detail about that in my next post. Once again I'm sorry for not posting last week after I promised I would post weekly.
Chicago, IL USA
Friday, March 30, 2012
Accidental Disappointment
Today I was expecting to show you all a clip from the film but I did something foolish and accidentally deleted the footage I intended to show you all. Yesterday afternoon I took my camera and left home to shoot part of my neighborhood. I wanted you to see the journey I take in my neighborhood and show you the obstacles I go through traveling around.
The past few weeks I was filming my travels from DePaul all the way to my home but I got tired of that and wanted you to see what I go through around my neighborhood. It was also very personal because for the first time I was actually speaking while I was filming explaing to everyone about my travels being sort of like a tour guide.
I had finally gotten to point where I was ready to talk about my experiences traveling through the city and now the footage is all gone. Now I know that I can shoot more footage. But as a director it's hard to recapture that same experience I had the first time.
I don't want to create anything that's fake. I want to capture real moments and what I had yesterday was real and genuine and wanted you all to see that first hand and that's what disappoints me the most. But you know what, it's not the end of the world, it's just a minor setback. I can always get more footage and I plan to actually do that. Hopefully this time around I'm gonna make I take all precautions just in case something like this happens again.
The past few weeks I was filming my travels from DePaul all the way to my home but I got tired of that and wanted you to see what I go through around my neighborhood. It was also very personal because for the first time I was actually speaking while I was filming explaing to everyone about my travels being sort of like a tour guide.
I had finally gotten to point where I was ready to talk about my experiences traveling through the city and now the footage is all gone. Now I know that I can shoot more footage. But as a director it's hard to recapture that same experience I had the first time.
I don't want to create anything that's fake. I want to capture real moments and what I had yesterday was real and genuine and wanted you all to see that first hand and that's what disappoints me the most. But you know what, it's not the end of the world, it's just a minor setback. I can always get more footage and I plan to actually do that. Hopefully this time around I'm gonna make I take all precautions just in case something like this happens again.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Update: Blog posting days!
Hey everyone! Normally I would have a blog post today, but I've decided to change that. For now on I will be posting stuff only on Friday's. With finishing up school, working on the film and putting together my film studio, I just don't have the time and energy to put out posts twice a week.
It was really difficult to make this decision but I wanna give the people who read my blog my absolute best work and posting just once a week will give me that chance. I'm also doing this to give my readers and new readers a chance to catch up on my previous posts on the blog.
I wanna thank everyone for reading my blog. I've gotten a lot of praise from you guys and that means a lot to me. I will continue to give you updates on the film and issues that coincide with the film.
It was really difficult to make this decision but I wanna give the people who read my blog my absolute best work and posting just once a week will give me that chance. I'm also doing this to give my readers and new readers a chance to catch up on my previous posts on the blog.
I wanna thank everyone for reading my blog. I've gotten a lot of praise from you guys and that means a lot to me. I will continue to give you updates on the film and issues that coincide with the film.
Justin Cooper,
Wheelchair Chronicles
Chicago, IL USA
Friday, March 23, 2012
A Major Announcement!!
I've been spending all my time this week working on my film. Not really shooting the film, but watching different documentaries and coming up with ideas on how I wanted to present the film itself. I've also spent this week coming up with a plan which coincides with my major announcement. Well today I decided that I will start up my own film studio which will also be a production company.
I've been thinking long and hard about this since I started working on my film. I feel that the Wheelchair Chronicles is just the first step in my career as a director and producer and I need to have my own film studio where I can continue my future projects. This film is not a one and done deal for me, I want this film to be a success so I can use the success of the film to open up more doors for me in the film or television industry.
Listen I know this gonna be hard work for me but I'm in a place in my life where I'm determined to make an impact in this world. Not a of African-Americans have their own film studio and it's difficult for African-Americans to make in the film and television industry in general so I have some work to do if I'm gonna make it in the film industry. You know I can do it! Plus I got a lot of people who believe I can do this and I'm not gonna let them or myself down.
I don't have a name for film studio yet but I will definitely keep you all posted.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
A Breakthrough for People with Disabilities...
Well I'm currently on spring break and let me tell you, it's awesome. I don't have get up early to go to class, I can actually sleep in for a change (well, not really). The last couple of days I've been an early bird and working on my film. I've been watching different documentaries and coming up with different ideas on how I want to present my film. I'm also working on putting together my own film studio. I know it gonna be hard work but I really wanna put this studio together because I have a lot of ideas beyond just my film that I want to work on and get out to the public.
During my film work the past couple of days I saw an article on Gizmodo that absolutely amazed me and forced me to change what I was originally going to talk to about. The article talks about a new robotic device that can help paraplegics and people with disabilities. This device called Tek Robotic Mobilization Device was created by Turkish scientists and is designed not just to help people who have a hard time walking move around more independently, but it helps people be able to actually stand on their own.
Now I've been conflicted about my feelings on this device. At first I was skeptical about this device because as person that uses a wheelchair I've heard about new devices that help people who are paraplegic or disabled but never coming to fruition. As I been thinking about it a little bit more I think it's great news for people with disabilities. It gives those people including me hope that we can be more independent.
I don't know if people are going to embrace this device fully because it's seems like it's trying to make us normal people in society. People who are disabled are viewed as freaks and not apart of society so people who are paraplegic or disabled might take issue to this robotic device but I doubt it. I am so happy to hear about this device. You just don't know the joy that I feel right now, this is simply amazing.
Gizmodo: This Amazing Device Just Made Wheelchairs Obsolete for Paraplegics
Tek Robotic Mobilization Device:
During my film work the past couple of days I saw an article on Gizmodo that absolutely amazed me and forced me to change what I was originally going to talk to about. The article talks about a new robotic device that can help paraplegics and people with disabilities. This device called Tek Robotic Mobilization Device was created by Turkish scientists and is designed not just to help people who have a hard time walking move around more independently, but it helps people be able to actually stand on their own.
Now I've been conflicted about my feelings on this device. At first I was skeptical about this device because as person that uses a wheelchair I've heard about new devices that help people who are paraplegic or disabled but never coming to fruition. As I been thinking about it a little bit more I think it's great news for people with disabilities. It gives those people including me hope that we can be more independent.
I don't know if people are going to embrace this device fully because it's seems like it's trying to make us normal people in society. People who are disabled are viewed as freaks and not apart of society so people who are paraplegic or disabled might take issue to this robotic device but I doubt it. I am so happy to hear about this device. You just don't know the joy that I feel right now, this is simply amazing.
Gizmodo: This Amazing Device Just Made Wheelchairs Obsolete for Paraplegics
Tek Robotic Mobilization Device:
Friday, March 16, 2012
My Film Inspiration
Today I wanted to talk to you all about the film that inspired me to get back into working on my film. The documentary film is called Shameless: The ART of Disability (2006) and it's a film about five artists dealing with diverse disabilities (Mental, Learning, Physical, etc.). I love this film because you get a chance to see these individuals from their point-of-view and how they handle their disability. It's humorous but it's also intimate in a sense because these individuals are letting the viewer into their lives and talking about their disability.
The film is directed by Bonnie Sherr Klein, who's a feminist filmmaker and disability rights activist. She directed and produced at least a dozen films for the National Film Board of Canada. Her time as a filmmaker was cut short when she suffered a stroke in 1987 that left her a quadriplegic and this was the first film she did since her stroke.
The people in this film are just regular people trying to find their place in this world. Even though they have a disability, it has not stopped them for being who they are as people. For example one of my favorite people in this film is a guy named David Roche who's a poet, writer, and humorist. His face is disfigured but he's a guy I can really relate to because his disfigurement hasn't stop him for achieving his goals and is one of the most enjoyable, charming person in the film.
I don't wanna give a whole lot away in this film but I want you all to check it out. This is the direction I'm strongly considering doing for my film because I feel that this a great way for people to get to know me and how I handle my own disability. I hope you enjoy this film as much as I did. It was just great for me to see another person with a disability produce and direct a film. That's just awesome!
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
My Filming Experience
Well as of yesterday I am on break from DePaul. Man it feels good waking up and not having to go to class, that's an awesome feeling. I want to let you guys know that I had my presentation in my math class and it went very well. I'm proud of the work that I put into it because it coincided with the film.
Today I want to talk about and go more in depth about my filming experience so far. Let me tell you all something, I've really enjoyed working on my film. I enjoy having a video camera in my hand and filming my journey. In short time filming, I never imagine that I could have this much fun working on a film, let alone my own.
Last week I filmed my trip from the DePaul Student Center to the Best Buy Store on North Ave.This was a different trip for me because the last few weeks I was filming my trip from the DePaul Student Center back to my home. But this trip in particular was fun because I got a chance to film in another part of the city that I travel in. I got a chance to film the industrial area of Chicago around Armitage and Clybourn just to get a different filming perspective.
You know working on this film has given me a new sense of energy in my life. I'm doing something in my life that's is making me happy for a change and I think I have found my calling in life. I didn't think I would enjoy working on film, maybe I thought it would be a complete drag but it hasn't and I'm happy for that. I'm gonna make this film a success not just for the people who not only believe in me but in my film. I want this film to be a success because I'm apart of it and this film will be a huge step for me in my future as a producer and a filmmaker.
That's all for today but for my next post I'll talk about the documentary film that inspired me to work on my film again.
Take Care,
Today I want to talk about and go more in depth about my filming experience so far. Let me tell you all something, I've really enjoyed working on my film. I enjoy having a video camera in my hand and filming my journey. In short time filming, I never imagine that I could have this much fun working on a film, let alone my own.
Last week I filmed my trip from the DePaul Student Center to the Best Buy Store on North Ave.This was a different trip for me because the last few weeks I was filming my trip from the DePaul Student Center back to my home. But this trip in particular was fun because I got a chance to film in another part of the city that I travel in. I got a chance to film the industrial area of Chicago around Armitage and Clybourn just to get a different filming perspective.
Student Center to Best Buy
You know working on this film has given me a new sense of energy in my life. I'm doing something in my life that's is making me happy for a change and I think I have found my calling in life. I didn't think I would enjoy working on film, maybe I thought it would be a complete drag but it hasn't and I'm happy for that. I'm gonna make this film a success not just for the people who not only believe in me but in my film. I want this film to be a success because I'm apart of it and this film will be a huge step for me in my future as a producer and a filmmaker.
That's all for today but for my next post I'll talk about the documentary film that inspired me to work on my film again.
Take Care,
Friday, March 9, 2012
Wheelchair Chronicles Update!!
Hey everyone, hope you're enjoying your day. I was gonna go more in depth about my film progress today but I'm going to hold off on that until my next post next Wednesday. I got a lot of studying to do and I have final exams on Monday & Tuesday so my mind is not really focused on my blog today. I did actually do some filming this morning and I got some awesome footage but I'll talk about that and more on Wednesday.
Take Care,
Take Care,
Wheelchair Chronicles
Chicago, IL USA
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Film Progress Update
Hey everyone! Sorry I'm a bit late on my post but I'm finishing up the last couple of weeks of the winter quarter at DePaul, so I've been all over the place. Today I just wanna quickly talk about my filming progress as of late. So far everything has been going pretty well, I did have one minor setback last week involving the video camera that I checked out from the DePaul cage in the CDM (Computing and Digital Media) Building. The video camera I got was way to heavy for me and I couldn't continue shooting the film, but like I said it was minor setback and I can except that. Right now I'm still trying to figure out how I want to approach my film so I've been watching some documentaries just to figure out which direction I want to go with the film. It's been tough but if watch some other films I'll soon figure out my approach for the film.
That's all I have for now but for my Friday post I'll go more in depth about my film progress and open up more about how the film is affecting me because it has really affected everything that I've done since starting this film.
Take Care,
That's all I have for now but for my Friday post I'll go more in depth about my film progress and open up more about how the film is affecting me because it has really affected everything that I've done since starting this film.
Take Care,
Justin Cooper,
Wheelchair Chronicles
Chicago, IL USA
Friday, March 2, 2012
Learning On The Fly
This post is gonna be a short one today, dealing with some issues. I was planning on continuing to shoot my film today but ran into some problems but I want to talk about my filming experience so far. One of the things that I have had to do during this film journey is learning how to actually use a video camera. Now I've had no problems with the technical aspects of using a video camera (that's not really hard), but what I'm talking about relates to my wheelchair and learning how to use a video camera while travelling in my chair.
That's been the hard part for me so far because I really want the audience to see the way that I travel through my point of view and learning how to do two things at once is hard. I've been sitting the camera in my lap while I'm riding but I don't feel that it's working out the way I want it to. The other idea that I had was to use a flexible tripod that I can wrap around my the arm of my chair and attach the camera that way and that might work. while I am learning on the fly, it's actually been fun to try and test out some new techniques for my film because I want this to be successful and I want people to get a better understanding of who I am as a person.
That's been the hard part for me so far because I really want the audience to see the way that I travel through my point of view and learning how to do two things at once is hard. I've been sitting the camera in my lap while I'm riding but I don't feel that it's working out the way I want it to. The other idea that I had was to use a flexible tripod that I can wrap around my the arm of my chair and attach the camera that way and that might work. while I am learning on the fly, it's actually been fun to try and test out some new techniques for my film because I want this to be successful and I want people to get a better understanding of who I am as a person.
Chicago, IL USA
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
It's All Mathematics Pt. 2
Well this is unexpected, today I was gonna talk about a wheelchair topic related to the film but I decided to continue on a post that I wrote last Wednesday titled "It's All Mathematics." In my post last week I talked about a presentation that I was doing in my math class regarding my wheelchair and this week I finished doing my research and writhing notes for my presentation and came up with some interesting results.
Now before I tell you my results of my research, let me explain how I did my research. I decided to focus my presentation on the number of miles that I travel on a daily basis and the number of hours it takes to charge my wheelchair. I did this process for a one week starting on Friday February 17th, detailing the total miles I traveled that day, the total time of my entire trip, the hours it took for my chair to fully charge and finally the total number of hours I actually charged my chair.
I was really fascinated by the results of my week long research. In one week I traveled a total of 17.2 miles, that's how many miles it approximately takes to get from Chicago to Chicago Ridge, IL. The total time I traveled was 227 minutes which comes out to 3 hours and 47mins. The number of hours it took for my wheelchair to fully charge was 24 hours and the total of hours I actually charged my chair was 86 hours.These numbers shocked me because I never realized I do this much travelling in one week in the Winter. Just image what I do in one week when it's Spring or Summer, it's gotta be double or triple the miles.
While working on this film I never considered looking at this stuff and I'm trying to figure out why because this type of research that I'm doing for my presentation matters in my daily life, this is what I do in order to make it through the day without my wheelchair losing power and me being stranded someone in the city. This is something that I have to look at when I'm shooting my film in different locations throughout Chicago and that is the travelling aspect because it's not just important to the film but to me as well. I really have to think about that and hopefully I'll get an answer through this film journey.
On Friday I'll talk about my film adventures and the fun I'm having shooting this film.
Take Care,
Now before I tell you my results of my research, let me explain how I did my research. I decided to focus my presentation on the number of miles that I travel on a daily basis and the number of hours it takes to charge my wheelchair. I did this process for a one week starting on Friday February 17th, detailing the total miles I traveled that day, the total time of my entire trip, the hours it took for my chair to fully charge and finally the total number of hours I actually charged my chair.
I was really fascinated by the results of my week long research. In one week I traveled a total of 17.2 miles, that's how many miles it approximately takes to get from Chicago to Chicago Ridge, IL. The total time I traveled was 227 minutes which comes out to 3 hours and 47mins. The number of hours it took for my wheelchair to fully charge was 24 hours and the total of hours I actually charged my chair was 86 hours.These numbers shocked me because I never realized I do this much travelling in one week in the Winter. Just image what I do in one week when it's Spring or Summer, it's gotta be double or triple the miles.
While working on this film I never considered looking at this stuff and I'm trying to figure out why because this type of research that I'm doing for my presentation matters in my daily life, this is what I do in order to make it through the day without my wheelchair losing power and me being stranded someone in the city. This is something that I have to look at when I'm shooting my film in different locations throughout Chicago and that is the travelling aspect because it's not just important to the film but to me as well. I really have to think about that and hopefully I'll get an answer through this film journey.
On Friday I'll talk about my film adventures and the fun I'm having shooting this film.
Take Care,
Friday, February 24, 2012
Shady Business
This has been a really rough week for me. Normally I would talk about my film adventures during the week but I just can't do it today. I wanted to talk you all about something that happen to me the other day and how it affects me as a person with a disability and in a wheelchair. I was in class getting ready to start and I get a call from Rehab Tech. Rehab Tech is a company that I've been apart of for over 10 years. This company along with The Rehab Institute of Chicago (R.I.C.) has supplied me with my manual wheelchair and power wheelchair and they have been very good to me.
Well I was in the process of getting a new wheelchair though both places when I received a call from them. I was expecting to hear that my new chair is read but something wasn't right. I was told that everything was all set but that some other company had charged my Medicare for a wheelchair. I was confused because I never asked another healthcare company to sign off on a wheelchair expect for Rehab Teach and R.I.C. so I was baffled. I thought about it for minute and then I remembered that in September of 2011 my mom started getting phone calls from a Doctor from this healthcare group in Morton Grove, IL saying that had a wheelchair for me and was ready to deliver it to me. Now first off, I don't know this doctor and I've never met him before but the thing that bothered me the most is that how can you have a wheelchair for me when you've never met, you don't know my disability, and haven't done any measurements on me. I'm a tall person person and in order to get my new chair they have to measure me in order to get the right specifications for the wheelchair and this doctor has done none of that and yet you have a wheelchair for me, get outta here!
This guy continued to call my house until my mom told him that if he called again she would report him and the company for fraud and the calls stopped but this doctor still went through the process anyway and charged their wheelchair to Medicare. I was pissed off at this point because I wasn't gonna get my new wheelchair from two companies that I have had a great relationship with all because of some shady doctor and healthcare company screwing me over. I told my mom about the issue and we went through the process of calling Medicare and filing for Medicare fraud and during the conversation over the phone when the customer service agent asked us if I was on the Medicare website and said no. Come to find out, this shady company was trying to hack into Medicare trying to block the agent for filing the fraud claim...Unbelievable!!
Well after all of that the claim was filed and now were waiting to get everything cleared and soon I'll be able to get my new chair hopefully soon but I was really upset at the fact that this other company was trying to screw me over and this happen a lot to other people who depend on their Medicare to help them out. There are a lot of healthcare companies who to this type of sleazy, shady business practice and get away with it and that's what makes me mad. I never thought I would be in this situation but I was and it sucks.
Next week I'll get back to talking about my filming adventures but I really wanted to talk about this because it just really upset me and I wanted to share with you how I felt about it.
Well I was in the process of getting a new wheelchair though both places when I received a call from them. I was expecting to hear that my new chair is read but something wasn't right. I was told that everything was all set but that some other company had charged my Medicare for a wheelchair. I was confused because I never asked another healthcare company to sign off on a wheelchair expect for Rehab Teach and R.I.C. so I was baffled. I thought about it for minute and then I remembered that in September of 2011 my mom started getting phone calls from a Doctor from this healthcare group in Morton Grove, IL saying that had a wheelchair for me and was ready to deliver it to me. Now first off, I don't know this doctor and I've never met him before but the thing that bothered me the most is that how can you have a wheelchair for me when you've never met, you don't know my disability, and haven't done any measurements on me. I'm a tall person person and in order to get my new chair they have to measure me in order to get the right specifications for the wheelchair and this doctor has done none of that and yet you have a wheelchair for me, get outta here!
This guy continued to call my house until my mom told him that if he called again she would report him and the company for fraud and the calls stopped but this doctor still went through the process anyway and charged their wheelchair to Medicare. I was pissed off at this point because I wasn't gonna get my new wheelchair from two companies that I have had a great relationship with all because of some shady doctor and healthcare company screwing me over. I told my mom about the issue and we went through the process of calling Medicare and filing for Medicare fraud and during the conversation over the phone when the customer service agent asked us if I was on the Medicare website and said no. Come to find out, this shady company was trying to hack into Medicare trying to block the agent for filing the fraud claim...Unbelievable!!
Well after all of that the claim was filed and now were waiting to get everything cleared and soon I'll be able to get my new chair hopefully soon but I was really upset at the fact that this other company was trying to screw me over and this happen a lot to other people who depend on their Medicare to help them out. There are a lot of healthcare companies who to this type of sleazy, shady business practice and get away with it and that's what makes me mad. I never thought I would be in this situation but I was and it sucks.
Next week I'll get back to talking about my filming adventures but I really wanted to talk about this because it just really upset me and I wanted to share with you how I felt about it.
Chicago, IL USA
Thursday, February 23, 2012
It’s All Mathematics!!
I’ve been in a wheelchair for 11 years now and with being in a wheelchair there are some things that have become normal for me over the years. One of the things that has been normal for me is travelling and what I mean by that is the number of miles that I travel throughout the week and how many hours I have to charge my chair to get it back to 100%.
In my math class (A subject that I hate) I have to do a presentation and since I was working on my film this idea came into my head. I wanted to do something that coincided with the film and I choose to do my presentation on the number of miles that I travel on a daily basis and the number of hours it takes to charge my wheelchair.
Now in all honesty I’ve never cared about the number of miles I traveled throughout the day. The only thing I cared about was where am I going tomorrow and what time do I need to charge my chair so it be fully charged. But while recording my miles I realized that the number of miles that I travel does matter because it determines how much time it takes to actually charge my chair back to 100%. For example, Last Friday I travelled a total of 3.5 miles through the day and when I charged my chair that night it took 4 hours to fully charge it back to 100%
See, something that I thought to be normal is very important to what I do during the day. It’s important to the way I schedule my day and the things I can do and can’t do in my wheelchair. My math professor was right when she says everything we do in life requires math. Hey!! It’s all mathematics, the number of miles that I travel in a day and the number of hours it takes to charge my chair. See, I actually did learn something in my math class this quarter! Oh I am so smart!! Lol
In my math class (A subject that I hate) I have to do a presentation and since I was working on my film this idea came into my head. I wanted to do something that coincided with the film and I choose to do my presentation on the number of miles that I travel on a daily basis and the number of hours it takes to charge my wheelchair.
Now in all honesty I’ve never cared about the number of miles I traveled throughout the day. The only thing I cared about was where am I going tomorrow and what time do I need to charge my chair so it be fully charged. But while recording my miles I realized that the number of miles that I travel does matter because it determines how much time it takes to actually charge my chair back to 100%. For example, Last Friday I travelled a total of 3.5 miles through the day and when I charged my chair that night it took 4 hours to fully charge it back to 100%
See, something that I thought to be normal is very important to what I do during the day. It’s important to the way I schedule my day and the things I can do and can’t do in my wheelchair. My math professor was right when she says everything we do in life requires math. Hey!! It’s all mathematics, the number of miles that I travel in a day and the number of hours it takes to charge my chair. See, I actually did learn something in my math class this quarter! Oh I am so smart!! Lol
Chicago, IL USA
Quick Update...
Hey everybody!! Sorry for not posting on my blog yesterday everyone but I had to take care of some issues with my new wheelchair which I’ll talk about in my blog post tomorrow! I’ll have my post for today up later this morning.
Wheelchair Chronicles
Chicago, IL USA
Friday, February 17, 2012
A Wonderful Experience!!
So far I've been enjoying working on my film, it has been such a great experience for me. Last Wednesday I actually started filming, it was just for practice to get aquatinted with the video camera I'll be working with for the film. I was trying to figure out what I was going to shoot for practice then it hit me, I should film my trip from the DePaul campus in Lincoln Park all the way to my house. It's a trip that I normally take and so I figured it would be a good idea.
I started my trip at the DePaul student center and from there I rode in my wheelchair all the way back to my apartment. Let me tell you, I had so much fun filming and I got some incredible footage. Seeing my travels through a video camera was just amazing because I normally don't think about my travels back to my home and when I looked at the footage I was stunned by the many obstacles I go through.
Now on the day I started filming it was cold and there was no snow on the ground. Now just imagine the obstacles I really have to go through when it snows, trust me it's not fun at all. In the end my film session was fun as hell and today I am going out here to have another filming session. If this one is as fun and exciting as my first session, then I can't wait to get outside, enjoy the weather and start filming my journey through the City of Chicago.
Justin Cooper
I started my trip at the DePaul student center and from there I rode in my wheelchair all the way back to my apartment. Let me tell you, I had so much fun filming and I got some incredible footage. Seeing my travels through a video camera was just amazing because I normally don't think about my travels back to my home and when I looked at the footage I was stunned by the many obstacles I go through.
Now on the day I started filming it was cold and there was no snow on the ground. Now just imagine the obstacles I really have to go through when it snows, trust me it's not fun at all. In the end my film session was fun as hell and today I am going out here to have another filming session. If this one is as fun and exciting as my first session, then I can't wait to get outside, enjoy the weather and start filming my journey through the City of Chicago.
Justin Cooper
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Fear of Falling In Love
Today I wanted to focus on one of the topics I'm considering talking about in this film and that is the topic of love. This to me is one of the toughest and hardest topics I wanted to talk about in the film because I've never opened up about my struggles of being in a wheelchair and being in love. I have friends and family in my life that love me and I love them as well and while I do have that love of my friends and family, I still feel lonely as hell at times.
I personally feel that I have created this loneliness in my heart. I've created this loneliness for fear that if I tell another woman that I lover her and want to be with her that she might not feel the same way that I do (Which can be awkward) and that person would reject me and push me away. I've had a few opportunities to admit my love for another woman but I've backed off and just haven't told them.
My fear is that they might not love me because I am in a wheelchair. I'm so afraid of admitting my love to another woman because she might feel that she has to "take care" of me or that if she doesn't love me back she might just feel obligated to be with me for fear of not hurting my feelings. I don't know, maybe if I was walking, dealing with rejection would be a lot easier to deal with than being in a wheelchair because I wouldn't have all of these emotions in my head.
I am so afraid of falling in love it's a fear that I've had for many years. This coincides with other issues that I deal with particularly being a man (A topic I'll deal with in the future). As a man it pisses me off because I can't supply the things that are needed in a relationship or that I can't be as manly as I want to be. It's just frustrating at times!!!
This is a fear of mine that I'm facing right now while I'm working on this film. This fear of falling in love has held me back for years. This fear of telling another woman how I feel about them is tearing me up inside. I just wish that I had the courage to be real and truly honest about how I feel.
I personally feel that I have created this loneliness in my heart. I've created this loneliness for fear that if I tell another woman that I lover her and want to be with her that she might not feel the same way that I do (Which can be awkward) and that person would reject me and push me away. I've had a few opportunities to admit my love for another woman but I've backed off and just haven't told them.
My fear is that they might not love me because I am in a wheelchair. I'm so afraid of admitting my love to another woman because she might feel that she has to "take care" of me or that if she doesn't love me back she might just feel obligated to be with me for fear of not hurting my feelings. I don't know, maybe if I was walking, dealing with rejection would be a lot easier to deal with than being in a wheelchair because I wouldn't have all of these emotions in my head.
I am so afraid of falling in love it's a fear that I've had for many years. This coincides with other issues that I deal with particularly being a man (A topic I'll deal with in the future). As a man it pisses me off because I can't supply the things that are needed in a relationship or that I can't be as manly as I want to be. It's just frustrating at times!!!
This is a fear of mine that I'm facing right now while I'm working on this film. This fear of falling in love has held me back for years. This fear of telling another woman how I feel about them is tearing me up inside. I just wish that I had the courage to be real and truly honest about how I feel.
Falling In Love,
Justin Cooper,
Wheelchair Chronicles
Chicago, IL, USA
Monday, February 13, 2012
Update: Blog Posting Days!!
Hey everyone,
This is a quick post, I want to thank everyone for checking out my first blog post. Just to give everyone a head's up I will be posting stuff on the blog Wednesday's and Friday's in the afternoon. So lookout for my posts on those days. I hope you all enjoy my blog!!
Take Care,
This is a quick post, I want to thank everyone for checking out my first blog post. Just to give everyone a head's up I will be posting stuff on the blog Wednesday's and Friday's in the afternoon. So lookout for my posts on those days. I hope you all enjoy my blog!!
Take Care,
Friday, February 10, 2012
Welcome to Justin's Wheelchair Chronicles. This blog is dedicated to my documentary The Wheelchair Chronicles which I'm currently working on. This blog is will focus on not only my film but the filming process and my journey creating this film.
I'm going to focus and talk about certain issues that I deal with as a person with disabilities such as being a man in a wheelchair, being black and in a wheelchair, etc.
This film project is a brand new experience for me because I'm not use to opening myself up and expressing my feelings to people and now I'm preparing to open myself up to the world with this film.
I plan on posting information about the film on Wednesday's and Friday's, I don't know what time I'll be posting information but I will let you know soon. I'll be also working on improving the blog, I'm just in the beginning stages of this blog so I'll be making changes from time to time.
I encourage you all to check out my blog and comment because I want to share this blog with everyone but most importantly the people who have helped me over the years, the people who are helping me on this film and to those special people who are in my life.
My Journey Begins Today!!!
Justin Cooper,
Wheelchair Chronicles
Chicago, IL, USA
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